CANDEL Graduates 2022
Congratulations to the 14 CANDEL graduates of
2022! All graduating students were recognized during the
June 2022 commencement ceremony at the Mondavi Center, UC Davis.
We also welcomed back alumni who had missed the opportunity to
attend in-person graduation ceremonies in 2020 and 2021 due to
COVID-19 restrictions.
Ryan Chan
Factors Associated with Enrollment Choices of Students Admitted to a Public Research University and Differences in the Resulting Outcomes
Diep Doan
Academically High-Achieving Students of Color Attending a Low Resource School and Their Academic Resiliency: A Qualitative Inquiry
Keith Ellis
California’s Community College Closet: LGBTQ+ Voices
Ebony Lewis
African American Student College Choice and the University of California Davis
Alissa Magorian
Fostering Spaces of Belonging at an Emerging HSI: Practices of Chicanx/Latinx Student Affairs Staff in Supporting Chicanx/Latinx College Students
Eric Mah
A Novel Approach to Conducting Performance Appraisals for Staff Employees in Higher Education Settings: Developing and Implementing More Meaningful Performance Assessment Using Supportive Mobile Technology
Jen McNeil
Understanding Voice, Identity & Navigating Contested Spaces: Dual Language Latina/O/X K-6 Teachers Use of Testimonios
June Regis
The Relationship between Transitional Kindergarten Teachers’ Beliefs about their Practices to School Readiness and Developmentally Appropriate Practices.
Siobhan Reilley
A Process Not a Position: A Qualitative Study of How Teachers Lead for Educational Social Justice
Andrea Rodriguez
Historically Marginalized Student Expression Through Culturally Sustaining Pedagogical Arts Education
Alison Sanders
University Leadership in the Time of Twin Pandemics: COVID-19 and the Reckoning of Systemic Inequity and Racism in Higher Education
Karrie Sequeira
Capital and Community: An Assets-Based Study of Previously Incarcerated Youth Navigating Educational Settings
Holley Shafer
Development of and Adherence to Student Education Plans Among Students at a Small Community College
Alina Varona
Examining Equity in Dual Enrollment Participation and Outcomes Post AB 288 Implementation: A Quantitative Study
Naiade Viana Dourado
Preparing New Special Education Teachers Remotely During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Nerissa Wallace
Begin Again: The Forced Change of Cultural Practices for Educators in Rural Placements