
EDU 192 /198 Process

NOTE: ONLINE Contract form-see link below!!

To take an EDU 192 (Internship) or 198 (Directed Group Study) a student must secure a School of Education faculty supervisor to sponsor the work for course units. It is the student’s responsibility to email/meet with a faculty member directly to explain their project and ask if the faculty is available to serve as a sponsor. Typically a student approaches a faculty member they have taken a course with in the past. This should be done as early as possible in order to meet the deadline listed below. This process needs to be done each quarter.

If the instructor agrees to sponsor the student’s research or special study project, the student must complete the departmental “Variable Unit Course Contract” form. The contract details/outlines educational goals, the number of units requested and the instructor’s mode of instruction, evaluation, and criteria for assigning passing grades. Contracts are agreements between the instructor and the student and serve as a written verification of the instructor’s consent to sponsor the student for academic unit credit (contingent upon the student’s satisfactory fulfillment of the terms of the contract). The information on the contract is used as the basis for settlement of any questions that may arise regarding responsibilities of either the student or instructor.

The following course descriptions and unit values are the only courses currently available; please review to ensure that the unit value of the course requested matches the number of units you have agreed to.

192. Internship (1-3 units) – must be in a school or other approved teaching unit. Internship–2-8 hours; discussion–1 hour. Prerequisite: upper division standing and consent of the instructor. Internship as a tutor or teacher’s aide under the supervision of a faculty member. May be repeated for credit. (P/NP grading only.)

198. Directed Group Study (1-5 units) – does not need to be a group, can be individual. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. (P/NP grading only.)

Typically approvals are granted only for 1-2 units. 

NOTE: a total of 4 units maximum of EDU 192 and/or EDU 198 units may be applied towards the Education Minor elective units.

 All contracts will be reviewed by the Chair of Undergraduate Programs. Your contract is not approved and you cannot start work until you receive the CRN from the SOE Instructional Support Coordinator. 

The “Variable Unit Course Contract” form for EDU 192/198 is to be completed by the student and will route through the review and approval process. Once approved a CRN will be issued within five business days. 

DEADLINE: In order to not incur a late fee and to allow for approval and processing of the form, all completed contract forms must be received no later than the 7th day of instruction each quarter. Late requests may not be approved. 

Students will receive a confirmation email once they apply and can track the request to see the progress. ​If you have question please contact Student Services at:

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