Education Minor Courses

Courses for the Minor Program


EDU 192 /198 Process

NOTE: ONLINE Contract form-see link below!!

To take an EDU 192 (Internship) or 198 (Directed Group Study) a student must secure a School of Education faculty supervisor to sponsor the work for course units. It is the student’s responsibility to email/meet with a faculty member directly to explain their project and ask if the faculty is available to serve as a sponsor. Typically a student approaches a faculty member they have taken a course with in the past. This should be done as early as possible in order to meet the deadline listed below.

General information

Courses for the Minor in Education

Any student may minor in Education by completing 20 approved units. Twelve of the 20-unit minimum are covered by the three required courses listed below. The remaining 8 elective units of coursework may be selected from approved courses in Education listed below (see the full listing of undergraduate education courses) or from other approved electives listed below.

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