Minor Advising

Minor Advising


Tracy Falk, M.A.
Student Services Advisor
Admissions Advisor, Credential & Minor Programs
Student Support Services, Outreach and Recruitment
UC Davis School of Education

Visit: The Student Services office is open and staff will be available during our In-Office work days.  The In-Office work days and availability will vary by staff member.  If you would like to meet in person, please email the advisor at eduadvising@ucdavis.edu to set up a meeting before stopping by the office.  Thank you!!!

For the latest information regarding Covid & Campus please see: UC Davis Campus Ready website

For helpful wellness resources from the Student Health & Counseling Services please see: https://shcs.ucdavis.edu/wellness. Also review the Campus Resource Guide pdf available on the page.

Zoom advising: We host remote drop in group advising hours to answer questions about the Education Minor program. Online advising is held each:

Thursday from 3:00-3:45 pm (except for the third Thursday of each month) & Friday from 10:00-11:00 am (Pacific Standard Time). 

Please join us and bring your questions regarding the Education Minor Program!
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/96557021027
Any questions: please contact eduadvising@ucdavis.edu

If you need to schedule a one-on-one advising appointment outside of the above hours please email: eduadvising@ucdavis.edu. Please provide a few days and times you can meet when you send your email. Thank you.

Office: School of Education Building, Room 261
Direct Line: (530) 752-2367
Student Services Office General Line: (530) 752-5887
Fax: (530) 754-6672

For more information, visit our Student Services page.

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