Minor Internships

Internship Opportunities


""The School of Education has an internship program through UC Davis Study Abroad in Thailand. Led by Prof. Sophia Mattingly, undergraduate students gain a unique and enriching experience engaging with local teachers in these culturally vibrant settings providing an opportunity to not only enhance one’s teaching skills but also to immerse oneself in a diverse and dynamic environment. In Thailand, interns can contribute to English language education, gaining insights into Thai culture and fostering cross-cultural understanding. This internship not only broadens horizons but also fosters personal and professional growth, making it an invaluable experience for aspiring educators. Learn more about this program and how to sign up at the Global Learning Hub, which is part of UC Davis Global Affairs. For specific information on Thailand experience: Summer Education Internship in Thailand



Summer Abroad Information Session

Chiang Mai, Thailand 

Dates – August 1–September 7, 2025

Max Enrollment – 16

Prerequisites  – Yes (18 years of age, 15 college units completed, good disciplinary standing, gpa of 2.00)

Program Overview

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