Project Update: Training Presents Drafted Environmental Education to Support Clear Lake Stewardship
Inspiration and next steps
In March, the UC Davis Center for
Community and Citizen Science and Center for Regional
Change facilitated a two-day training in Lakeport
with educators and partners from across the region as
part of the Caring for
Clear Lake project. The training is a milestone for the
two-year project, approved by Blue Ribbon Committee for the
Rehabilitation of Clear Lake and funded by the California Natural
Resources Agency.
The project is working to develop environmental
education materials that engage youth in local scientific
efforts to restore Clear Lake. In July 2022, the UC Davis
team started by inventorying informal education and environmental
organizations, publicly available programming and resources, and
restoration projects. This helped to orient us to the major environmental issues and
the different people working to improve the health of the
lake. We then talked to over 50 community members,
presented at organizational meetings, attended outreach events,
sat in on presentations and community
meetings, and organized a Tribal Advisory Committee –
all to hear the priorities and needs for environmental education
in the region.
The existing resources,
participatory science project opportunities, and local
and Tribal perspectives on environmental education informed a
draft of environmental education materials. This draft was
shared with partners for feedback. After revisions, the materials
were shared with 17 training participants representing schools,
environmental non-profits, after school programs, and agencies.
Because partners were so integral to the project’s foundations,
the first day of the training was designed to
highlight local efforts to improve the health of Clear
Lake and its watershed. Tribal representatives from Robinson
Rancheria and Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake brought in Tribal
perspectives on caretaking and
findings from current Tribal restoration projects. The Lake
County Land Trust kindly hosted us at Rodman Preserve and
provided context for the scale and restoration work needed. A
chance to explore the rainy Preserve together with these
partners and participants created space for connecting to each
other’s resources and programming and conversations about
supporting the good work for youth stewardship of Clear Lake. One
training participant shared through a post-training evaluation:
I appreciate how Tribal input was a foundation to this training and curriculum. It truly strengthens the connection to the land and the original stewards. This huge amount of influence is so unique and should be considered the baseline for future programs nation-wide.
Lake County Office of Education generously hosted the second day
of the training. Participants had a chance to not only experience
the drafted activities for themselves, but also understand how
these materials were structured to meet the project goals.
Participants engaged with
local data and asked their own questions. They learned about our
Center’s educational research on key
practices for educators and core activities for youth that
facilitate youth environmental science agency. Throughout
the two days, the UC Davis team demonstrated environmental
educational tools to support student sense-making that could
easily be integrated in any setting.
The training wasn’t entirely about presenting the research-backed materials of this project to participants. It also was about bringing together a diverse group of people committed to connecting youth with current scientific, Tribal-led, and hyper-local work restoring Clear Lake. Participants and facilitators alike were all inspired by the hope and motivation evident in the two training days. This experience helps to build momentum for comprehensive, regional environmental education across informal and classroom settings.
The remainder of the funded Caring
for Clear Lake project runs through July 2024. The project will
utilize the feedback from participants of the training who pilot
the materials to make final revisions. A final version of the
project’s environmental education materials will be publicly
available in July 2024. The UC Davis team is working to secure a
local organization committed to housing the
project’s materials long-term. We thank the many people who have
supported and contributed to this work, and look forward to
what the future brings for this project!