Yang Presents Dissertation Research
AAAL March 2019
Preview of Lu Yang’s Dissertation Research (part 1): “Development and Validation of a Motivation Survey for English Learners in China”
While considerable studies have examined students’ motivation in English as a foreign language (EFL) contexts, a majority of them focused on high school and university students. The motivation survey items used in these studies may not be applicable to EFL learners in elementary schools.
AAAL Presentation
March 2019
With Dr. Hyun-Sook Kang at UIUC, Lindblad and Uchikoshi presented a study on the development of tense and aspect in the English narratives of dual language learners (DLLs) learning English/Spanish or English/Cantonese. The frequency distribution of English tense and aspect markers were analyzed in relation to foregrounding and backgrounding in the storyline.
Yang presents at SSSR conference
July 2018
PhD student Lu Yang, who worked on the Bilingual Reading and the Brain Study, presented findings at the annual SSSR conference in July 2018 in Brighton, UK.
Santoyo presents at Undergraduate Research Conference
Diana Santoyo presented Bilingual Reading and the Brain Study project findings at the UC Davis Undergraduate Research Conference on 4/27/2018.
Time 1 results presented at AERA
April 2018
Bilingual Reading and the Brain Study Time 1 results were presented at AERA: “Language Exposure and Language Proficiency: English-Spanish Bilinguals in Dual-Language Immersion Programs” in DLI Symposium ”Language and Literacy Development: Immersion Education in the U.S. and Canada.”
Yang & He present at LRA conference
PhD student Lu Yang & undergraduate RA Neva He presented findings at the annual LRA conference in November 2017.
Yolo Community Foundation Funds Summer Program 2018
Recent News: New funding from Yolo Community Foundation to continue summer program in 2018 http://www.yolocf.org in relation to the project Harnessing Parental Engagement to Reduce Summer Reading Loss
New Publication: Williams, A.I., Uchikoshi, Y., Bunge, S.A., Zhou, Q.
He Named 2018 Project Coordinator
Neva He (2018 UCD graduate) will be our project coordinator for Bilinguals and Socio-Emotional Development.
New funding for Bilingual and Socio-Emotional Development
New funding “Bilingual and Socio-Emotional Development in Dual Language Learners” (R01HD091154). 2017-2022.
New Publication by Yang, L., Leung, R., Tong., R., Uchikoshi, Y.
Yang, L., Leung, R., Tong., R., Uchikoshi, Y. (2018). Student attitudes and Cantonese proficiency in a Cantonese dual-immersion school. Foreign Language Annals. https://rdcu.be/4woX
New Publication Leung, G., Tong., R., Uchikoshi, Y. (2018)
Leung, G., Tong., R., Uchikoshi, Y. (2018). “Learning Cantonese will help us”: Elementary school students’ perceptions of dual language education. Bilingual Research Journal. Published in relation to the Cantonese Dual Language Immersion program.
New publication: Lucero, A. & Uchikoshi, Y.
New publication: Lucero, A. & Uchikoshi, Y. (in press). Narrative Assessment with 1st Grade Spanish-English Emergent Bilinguals: Spontaneous versus Retell Conditions. Narrative Inquiry. Included in Early Literacy Study of Immigrant Children.
Jeong and Ng present at Undergraduate Research Conference
Grace Jeong and Juliana Ng presented findings at the UC Davis Undergraduate Research Conference on 4/27/2018.
New publication: Uchikoshi, Y., Yang, L, & Liu, S.
New publication: Uchikoshi, Y., Yang, L, & Liu, S. (2017). Role of narrative skills on reading comprehension: Spanish-English and Cantonese-English Dual Language Learners. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal. http://rdcu.be/xZfh Research for the Early Literacy Study of Immigrant Children.