Planning your Future
The UC Davis Educational Talent Search program will help you
identify your strengths and develop your future goals. We help
1,700 students each year from communities in Yolo, Sacramento and
Solano counties.
With our help, you will complete an educational assessment and an
educational plan that will prepare you to succeed in your
educational goals. You will be encouraged to do well in all your
classes, earning a C or better in each class. By the end of the
year, you will discuss and be encouraged to enroll in academic
courses that will prepare you for college. ETS will also help you
understand the college preparation process, develop study skills
and begin to explore career possibilities. When you apply to
colleges as a senior, ETS will help you with the college
application process and assist you with applying for financial
Campus Trips
If you consistently attend ETS’ academic workshops, you will be
invited to special field trips to UC Davis and other Northern
California universities. Events include Preview Day, college
visits, student leadership conferences and college fairs.
Middle School Students
The ETS staff visits middle schools to provide workshops and
activities about:
- Career exploration
- College options
- Test-taking skills
- Writing skills
- Time management
- Study skills
- College motivation
- Values clarification
- Goal setting
- Encouragement for enrollment in college preparatory courses
for high school
- Career exploration
- Field trips to colleges
- Academic tutoring
High School Students
ETS program counselors attend high schools weekly to provide
academic monitoring and skill building. Some program activities
Assistance with
- Scholarship applications
- College admission applications
- Financial aid applications
- Letters of recommendation
Workshops on
- Test preparation
- Career exploration
- Study skills
- Goal setting
- Test-taking
- Time management
- Résumé preparation
- Personal motivation and leadership skills
- College survival skills
- High school success
- One-on-one college preparation advising
- Parent information nights
- Visits to college campuses
- Student leadership conferences