Student Teaching Overview: Single Subject
Please note: This schedule is currently being reviewed and may change.
Throughout the credential year you will be student teaching in the same classroom in which you begin the first day of school. The placement will end on the last day of the school year. Your teaching schedule may vary from quarter to quarter. Below is a brief overview of a typical student teaching schedule by program.
Fall Quarter
Long-term placement: You will be there daily,
generally observing one or two class periods, and then teaching
one class period as the quarter progresses.
Short-term placement: You will be observing and
getting to know the students several days a week. Towards the end
of the quarter you will begin to take over some teaching
Winter Quarter
Long-term placement: You will be there, teaching
your class daily.
Short-term placement: On the first day of the
second semester of the public school, you will take over daily
teaching responsibilities.
Spring Quarter
Long-term placement: Continue teaching daily.
Complete a “three week take over” – teaching a full day of
classes for three weeks.
Short-term placement: Continue teaching daily.
English & Social Science
Fall Quarter
Long-term placement: Spend some time getting to
know classes at beginning of the year to prepare for taking over
instructional responsibilities later.
Short-term placement: You will be there daily,
gradually taking over teaching responsibilities, with a minimum
of 3-4 weeks “solo” teaching two-periods.
Winter Quarter
Long-term placement: Beginning at the second semester of the public school, you will take over daily teaching responsibilities for two class periods.
Spring Quarter
Long-term placement: Continue teaching daily.
Math & Science
Fall Quarter
Long-term placement: You will be there daily,
generally observing one or two class periods, and then teaching
one class period as the quarter progresses.
Short-term placement: You will be observing and
getting to know the students several days a week. Towards the end
of the quarter you will begin to take over some teaching
Winter Quarter
Long-term placement: You will be there, teaching
your class daily.
Short-term placement: On the first day of the
second semester of the public school, you will take over daily
teaching responsibilities.
Spring Quarter
Long-term placement: Continue teaching daily.
Short-term placement: Continue teaching daily.