Faculty Profile EMPHASIS AREA: LMS. Child Development; Collaborative Learning; Gender and technology; Learning in Informal Settings; Qualitative Methodology; Technology and identity

Cynthia Carter Ching


Portrait of Cynthia Carter Ching

Cynthia Carter Ching (she/her/hers) is Professor of Education and a former Interim Dean (2023-24) and Associate Dean for Academic Programs (2016-2020; 2022-23) in the UC Davis School of Education. During the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020-2022, she served as the UC Davis Interim Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education. In her research, funded by the National Science Foundation and others, she studies the intersection of technology, learning, collaboration, identity, and embodiment. Her work examines how children, youth, and adults represent and negotiate aspects of themselves via educational, recreational, and wearable technology in classrooms, in online environments, and in games. 

Research Interests

Child Development; Collaborative Learning; Gender and technology; Learning in Informal Settings; Wearable Technology and Embodiment; Qualitative Methodology; Technology and Identity; Online Learning and Assessment


University of California, Los Angeles
PhD, Education, 2000
Department: Psychological Studies in Education

University of California, Irvine, 1994
B.A. Psychology, Emphasis in Cognitive Science

Professional Experience

  • Professor, School of Education, UC Davis, 2017-present
  • Associate Professor, School of Education, UC Davis, 2007-2017
  • Affiliated Faculty, Foods for Health Institute, UC Davis, 2012-2016
  • Assistant Professor, College of Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2001-2007

Administrative Appointments

  • Interim Dean, School of Education, UC Davis, 2023-2024
  • Interim Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education, UC Davis, 2020-2022
  • Associate Dean for Academic Programs, School of Education, UC Davis, 2016-2020; 2022-2023
  • Director of Undergraduate Programs, School of Education, UC Davis, 2008-2013
  • Faculty Director, CTER (Curriculum, Technology, and Educational Reform) Online MA Program, College of Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Chair, Technology Studies in Education, Interdisciplinary PhD Emphasis, College of Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Journal Publications

Lee, Y. & Ching, C. C. (in press). Beyond trust: Exploring contextual influences on embodiment technology.  Learning, Media, and Technology.

Jadallah, C., Myer, R., Ballard, H., Ching, C. C., & Williams, A. (2024). “Seeing power” between young people and conservation professionals in the design of a community-based watershed monitoring initiative.  Journal of the Learning Sciences, 33(1) 1-40.

Murray, K., Cannon, C., Ching, C. C., & Trexler, C. (2023). LGBTQ access to generalized youth development programs.  Journal of Agricultural Education, 64(4).

Ching, C. C. & Hagood, D. (2019). Activity monitor gaming and the Next Generation Science Standards: Student reflections on data, measurement limitations, and personal relevance. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 28, 589-601.

Stewart, M., Hagood, D., & Ching, C. C. (2017). Virtual games and real-world communities: Environments that enable and constrain physical activity in games for health. International Journal of Game-Based Learning, 7, 1-19

Ching, C. C., Stewart, M., Hagood, D., & Rashedi, R. (2016). Representing and reconciling personal data in a wearable technology gaming project. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 9, 342-353.

Schaefer, S., Ching, C. C., Breen, H., & German, J. B. (2016). Wearing, thinking, and moving: Testing the feasibility of fitness tracking with urban youth. American Journal of Health Education, 47, 8-16.

Ching, C. C., Schaefer, S., & Rashedi, R. (2015). Gaming health: A means-goals-agency framework for evaluating and designing physical activity games. Technoculture: An online journal of technology and society. https://tcjournal.org/vol5/gaminghealth

Ching, C. C. & Hursh, A. W. (2014). Peer modeling and innovation adoption among teachers in online professional development. Computers and Education, 73, 72-82

Ching, K. L. & Ching, C. C. (2012).  Past is prologue: Teachers composing narratives about digital literacy. Computers and Composition, 29, 205-220.

Evans, E., Ching, C. C., & Ballard, H. (2012). Volunteer guides in nature reserves:  Exploring environmental educators’ perceptions of teaching, learning, place, and self.  Environmental Education Research, 18, 391-402.

White, T., Booker, A., Ching, C. C., & Martin, L. (2012). Integrating digital and mathematical practices across contexts:  A manifesto for mobile learning.  International Journal of Learning and Media, 3 (3), 7-13.

Ching, C. C. & Hursh, A. W. (2010). “This site is blocked:” K-12 teachers and challenges of accessing peer-to-peer networks for education.  E-Learning and Digital Media, 7, 338-345.

Ching, C. C. & Kafai, Y. B. (2008). Peer pedagogy:  Student collaboration and reflection in a learning through design project. Teachers College Record, 110, 2601-2632.

Ching, C. C., Wang, X. C., Shih, M., & Kedem, Y. (2006). Digital photography and journals in a K-1 classroom:  Toward meaningful technology integration in early childhood education.  Early Education & Development, 17, 347-371.

Ching, C. C., Basham, J., & Jang, E. (2005). The legacy of the digital divide:  Gender, SES, and early exposure as predictors of full-spectrum technology use among young adults.  Urban Education, 40, 394-411.

Ching, C. C. (2005). Book review of Larry Cuban’s “Oversold and Underused:  Computers in the Classroom.”  Journal of Curriculum Studies, 37, 235-239

Ching, C. C., Levin, J. A., Parisi, J. (2004). Classroom artifacts:  Merging the physicality, technology, and pedagogy of higher education.  Education, Communication, & Information, 4, 221-235.

Wang, X. C. & Ching, C. C. (2003). Social construction of computer experiences in a first-grade classroom:  Social processes and mediating artifacts.  Early Education & Development, 14, 335-361.

Ching, C. C. (2003). Book review of David Trend’s “Welcome to Cyberschool:  Education at the Crossroads of the Information Age.”  Teachers College Record, 105, 1394-1397. 

Kafai, Y. B. & Ching, C. C.  (2001). Talking science within design: Learning through design as a context for situating children’s scientific discourse. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 10, 323-363.

Ching, C. C., Kafai, Y. B., & Marshall, S. (2000).  Spaces for change:  Gender and technology access in collaborative software design.  Journal of Science Education and Technology, 9, 67-78.

Gearhart, M., Saxe, G. B., Fall, R., Schlackman, J., Nasir, N., Ching, C. C., Bennet, T., Rhine, S., & Sloane, T.  (1999). Opportunities to learn fractions in elementary mathematics classrooms. Journal of Research in Mathematics Education, 30, 286-315.

Kafai, Y. B., Franke, M. L., Ching, C. C. & Shih, J. C.  (1998). Games as an interactive learning environment for fostering students’ and teachers’ mathematical inquiry. International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning, 3, 149-184.

Kafai, Y. B., Ching, C. C., & Marshall, S.  (1997). Children as designers of educational multimedia software. Computers and Education, 29, 117-126.

Books and Book Chapters

Stewart, M. K., Hagood, D., & Ching, C. C. (2020). Using multi-modal data to examine equity in activity-monitor gaming within real-world communities. In M. Farber (Ed), Global perspectives on gameful and playful teaching and learning, pp 118-142. IGI Press.

Sellu, G. & Ching, C. C. (2019). The effectiveness of learning communities in increasing employee learning. In V. Kennon and S. Palsole (Eds), Global workplace learning handbook, pp. 501-519. Wiley Publishers.

Sellu, G. & Ching, C. C. (2019). Bridging the cultural gap in the global workplace. In V. Kennon and S. Palsole (Eds), Global workplace learning handbook, pp. 355-367. Wiley Publishers.

Ching, C. C. & Schaefer, S. (2014). Identities in motion, identities at rest: Engaging bodies and minds in fitness gaming research and design.  In V. Lee (Ed.), Learning technologies and the body: Integration and implementation, pp. 201-219. Routledge.

Ching, C. C. & Foley, B. J. (Eds.) (2012). Constructing the self in a digital world. (Learning in Doing Series) Cambridge University Press.

Ching, C. C. & Foley, B. J. (2012). Introduction:  Connecting conversations about technology, learning, and identity. In C. C. Ching & B. J. Foley (Eds.), Constructing the self in a digital world, pp. 1-13. Cambridge University Press.

Ching, C. C. (2012). Introduction to Part I:  Developmental perspectives.  In C. C. Ching & B. J. Foley (Eds.), Constructing the self in a digital world, pp. 17-25. Cambridge University Press

Ching, C. C. & Wang, X. C. (2012). “This is me:” Digital journals and young children’s technologies of the self. In C. C. Ching & B. J. Foley (Eds.), Constructing the self in a digital world, pp. 26-46.  Cambridge University Press.

Ching, C. C., Wang, X. C., & Kedem, Y. (2005). Digital photo journals:  A novel approach to addressing early childhood standards and recommendations.  In S. Tettegah & R. Hunter (Eds.), Technology:  Issues in administration, policy, and applications in K-12 schools, pp. 253-269.  Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Ching, C. C., Basham, J., & Pianfetti, E. S. (2005). Technology in education, technology in life:  Toward a holistic perspective on integration in preparing tomorrow’s teachers at the University of Illinois.  In C. Vrasidas & G. Glass (Eds.), Current perspectives on applied information technologies, Volume 2:  Preparing tomorrow’s teachers to use technology, pp. 225-240.  Information Age Publishing.

Kafai, Y. B. & Ching, C. C. (2004). Children as instructional designers:  Apprenticing and evaluating in the learning science by design project.  In N. Seel & S. Dijkstra (Eds.), Instructional design:  International perspectives.  Volume 3:  Curricula, Plans, and Processes, pp. 115-130.  Erlbaum.

Kafai, Y. B., Ching, C. C., & Marshall, S.  (2004). Learning affordances of collaborative software design.  In M. Rabinowitz, F. C. Blumberg, & H. Everson (Eds.), The impact of media and technology on instruction, pp. 77-100. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Ching, C. C., Kafai, Y. B., & Marshall, S. (2002). “I always get stuck with the books:” Creating a space for girls to access classroom technology.  In N. Yelland & A. Rubin (Eds.), Ghosts in the machine:  Women’s voices in research with technology, pp. 167-189.  Peter Lang Publishers.

Papers in Published and Refereed Conference Proceedings

Ching, C. C., Lee, Y. J., Aldemir, T., Thomas Murphy, C., Martin, L., Borge, M., Halverson, E., & Bullington, T. (2024). Affect as outcome: Centering emotion and equity in learning sciences research.  In C. Hoadley & X. Wang (Eds), Proceedings of the 4th Annual Meeting of the International Conference on the Learning Sciences. https://2024.isls.org/proceedings/

Hagood, D., Ching, C. C., & Schaefer, S. (2016) Integrating physical activity data with videogames with user-centered dashboards. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK). ACM Press.

Worker, S. M. & Ching, C. C. (2016). Examining tensions among youth, educators, and curriculum as co-designers in a 4-H design-based learning program. In C.K. Loi, J. Polman, U. Cress, & P. Reimann (Eds.), Transforming Learning, Empowering Learners: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Learning Sciences, pp. 322-329.

Ching, C. C., Schaefer, S., Stewart, M., & Hagood, D. (2015).  Game your life: Health, behavior, and personal data gaming.  In A. Oscher & C. Steinkuhler (Eds.), Proceedings of Games+Learning+Society. Madison, WI. ETC Press.

Stewart, M., Hagood, D., & Ching, C. C. (2015). A tale of two schools: Terrain and resources in virtual games and physical communities.  In A. Oscher & C. Steinkuhler (Eds.), Proceedings of Games+Learning+Society. Madison, WI. ETC Press.

Schaefer, S. & Ching, C. C. (2015).  Mixed methods assessment of health tracking by diverse urban youth.  FAESB Journal (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology), 29, Supplement: Conference Papers, 902.16.

Moher, T., Ching, C. C., Lee, V. R., Enyedy, N., Danish, J., Lyons, L., et al (2014). Becoming reflective: designing for reflection on physical performances. Learning and Becoming in Practice: Proceedings of the International Conference on the Learning Sciences 2014, International Society of the Learning Sciences, 1273-1281.

Ching, C. C. & Hunicke, R. (2013).  GET-UP:  Health gaming for “the rest of your life.”  In C. Steinkuehler & C. Williams (Eds.), Proceedings of Games + Learning + Society. New York: Teachers College Press.

Ching, C. C., Evans, E., Faber, E., Fields, D. A., & Nasir, N. S. (2010). “Wherever you go, there you are:” Examining the development and integration of individual identity across multiple domains and contexts. In Gomez, K., Lyons, L., & Radinsky, J. (Eds.) Learning in the Disciplines: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2010) – Volume 2. International Society of the Learning Sciences: Chicago IL, 69-76.

Ching, C. C. & Wang, X. C. (2006).  Revealing and mediating young children’s memory and social cognition with digital photo journals.  In S. Barab, K. Hay, & D. Hickey (Eds.), Making a Difference:  Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on the Learning Sciences (ICLS), pp. 85-91.  Mahwah, NJ:  Erlbaum.

Ching, C. C. & Wang, X. C. (2004).  An emergent methodology for examining “collaborative space” in educational technology environments. In Y. Kafai, N. Enyedy, & B. Sandoval (Eds.), Embracing Diversity:  Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on the Learning Sciences (ICLS).  Mahwah, NJ:  Erlbaum.

Ching, C. C., Basham, J., Jang, E., Vigdor, L., & Parisi, J. (2004).  Technology in pre-service teachers’ everyday lives and narrative autobiographies.  Proceedings of the annual conference of the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE).  Atlanta, GA. 2004.

Ching, C. C. (2002).  Constructing help:  Models of collaboration and technology in project-based learning.  In P. Bell, R. Stevens, & T. Satwicz (Eds), Keeping Learning Complex:  The Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the Learning Sciences (ICLS). Mahwah, NJ:  Erlbaum. 

Ching, C. C. & Gallow, D. (2000).  Fear and loathing in PBL:  Faculty reactions to developing problem-based learning for a large research university.  In Problem-Based Learning:  Educational Innovations Across Disciplines.  Selected papers from the Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Problem-Based Learning.  Singapore, 2000.

Ching, C. C. (1999).  “It’s not just programming:” Reflection and the nature of experience in learning through design.  In C. Hoadley & J. Roschelle (Eds.), Proceedings of the Conference on Computers for Supporting Collaborative Learning, pp. 101-107.

Kafai, Y. B. & Ching, C. C. (1998).  Talking science through design:  Children’s science discourse during software design.   In A. Bruckman, M. Guzdial, J. Kolodner, & A. Ram (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences 1998.  Charlottesville, VA:  AACE, pp. 160-166.

Kafai, Y. B. & Ching, C. C.  (1996).  Meaningful contexts for mathematical learning:  The potential of game-making activities. In D. Edelson & E. Domeshek (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences 1996.  Charlottesville, VA:  AACE, pp. 164-171

Recent Presentations 

Ching, C. C. & Lee, Y. K.  (accepted) Person, place, politics: Considering “context” in online learning and online proctored exams. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Denver, CO: April 2025.

Lee, Y. K., & Ching, C. C. (accepted) Faculty perspectives on online proctoring: Adoption or rejection? Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Denver, CO. April 2025.

Lee Y. J. & Ching, C. C. (2024, June) Inequities of anxiety and distrust in undergraduates’ remote-proctored exam experiences. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS). Buffalo, NY: June 2024.

Ching, C. C. & Lee, Y. J. (2023, June). Self-care and nostalgia in a mid-pandemic freshmen seminar: Writing about embodiment and technology. Paper  presented at Computers & Writing 2023. Davis, CA: June, 2023.

Lee, Y. J. & Ching, C. C. (2022, June) “Find ways to cope:” Games and gamification supporting college student mental health during the pandemic. Poster presented at Games+Learning+ Society conference. Irvine CA: June, 2022.

Jadallah, C., Murray, K., Ching, C. C., Ospina, M., Abusa, S., & Turpin, J. (2021, April). Science, identity, and science identity: Unpacking science experience GOALS for girls, trans, and non-binary youth. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. (Virtual meeting)

Ching, C. C., Hagood, D., & Rashedi, R. (2017, April). Data literacy, objectivity, and constructing narrative: NGSS and alternative perspectives on physical monitor gaming. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.

Ching, C. C., Rashedi, R. & Schaefer, S. (2016, August). Revealing stealth health: Player agency in physical activity games. Poster presented at the Games+Learning+Society Conference. Madison, WI: August, 2016. [“Best Poster” Award Winner]

Hagood, D. & Ching, C. C. (2016, August). From “So cool” to “I’m bored:” Longitudinal analyses in wearable devices and physical activity gaming. Paper presented at the Games+Learning+Society conference. Madison, WI: August, 2016

Hagood, D. & Ching, C. C., & Schaefer, S. (2016, April). Integrating physical activity data in videogames with user-centered dashboards. Paper presented at the Learning Analytics and Knowledge conference. Edinburgh, Scotland: April 2016

Harris, E., Ballard, H., & Ching, C. C. (2016, April). Negotiations among students, scientists, and teachers in a school-based citizen science partnership.  Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching. Baltimore, MD: April 2016

Ching, C. C., Hagood, D., Rashedi, R., & Stewart, M. (2016, April). Inside and outside: Boundaries of play in a wearable technology game for youth. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Washington DC: April 2016

Ching, C. C. (2015, January). Quantified youth? Personal data, wearable technology, and game design. Ignite talk presented at the NSF Cyberlearning and Future Technologies conference. Washington, DC: January, 2015.

Greiss-Hess, L., & Ching, C. C. (2014, July).  Family contexts: A critical consideration in clinical trials.  Paper presented at the National Fragile-X Foundation Conference.  Los Angeles, CA: July, 2014.

Ching, C. C. & Schaefer, S. (2014, June).  Devices, dashboards, games, and reflections: Quantitative data and the subjective experience of fitness technologies.  Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on the Learning Sciences.  Boulder, CO: June 2014.

Ching, C. C. (2014, April).  “People who walk to school have a big advantage:” Physical sensor technology in life-wide and life-deep contexts.  Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association.  Philadelphia, PA: 2014.

Ching, C. C. (2014, March).  Designing a quantified-self model of fitness gaming for and with underserved youth.  Presentation at the MacArthur Foundation Digital Media and Learning Conference.  Boston, MA: 2014.

Ching, C. C. & Schaefer, S. (2014, January).  Health in your pocket:  Handheld, wearable, and everyday technologies for health promotion and education.  Keynote presentation at the CalFresh California State Nutrition Educators’ Conference, Davis CA: 2014. 

Ching, C. C. (2013, April).  Jan Hawkins:  A legacy for the twenty-first century.  Selection Committee Chair’s remarks to the invited address for the AERA Division C Jan Hawkins’ Memorial Early Career Award for Humanistic Scholarship on Learning Technologies, at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association.  San Francisco, CA:  2013. 

Ching, C. C. (2011, May).  Memory and disdain:  Double-voiced narratives about teaching and technology.  Paper presented at Computers & Writing.  Ann Arbor, MI: 2011.

Ching, C. C. (2011, April).  Shifting frames:  Identity co-construction and renegotiation among teachers as online learners and novice bloggers.  Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association.  New Orleans, LA:  2011.

Ching, C. C. & Hursh, A. W. (2010, April).  “You guys gotta try this:” Peer modeling and open-source technology innovation among teachers in online professional development.  Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association.  Denver, CO:  2010.

Wang, X. C., Chiu, M., & Ching, C. C. (2010, April).  Deciphering participation:  Statistical discourse analysis of young children’s participation at computers. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association.  Denver, CO:  2010.

Wang, X. C., Chiu, M., & Ching, C. C. (2009, August).  First-grade tutors’ and kindergarten tutees’ effects on each other.  Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association.  Toronto, Canada: 2009.

Ching, C. C. (2009, June).  “Ubiquitous computing:  The K-12 perspective.”  Invited presentation at the opening town hall session for the Computers & Writing Conference, Davis, CA:  2009.

Ching, C. C. (2008, March).  How will they find us? The (emerging) guide to graduate preparation in the Learning Sciences.  Presentation to the business meeting of the Learning Sciences Special Interest Group (SIG) at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association.  New York, NY: 2008.

Ching, C. C. & Wang, X. C. (2008, March).  To see the world in a shutter click:  A learner-centered approach to technology in early childhood.  Jan Hawkins Memorial Invited Address given at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association.  New York, NY, 2008.







Awards and Honors

  • Jan Hawkins Early Career Award, 2007, AERA, Division C, Learning & Instruction
  • Arnold O. Beckman Award for Research, 2002, University of Illinois
  • Regents Dissertation Fellowship, 1999, University of California
  • NIMH Doctoral Research Fellowship, 1997, University of California, Los Angeles

Grants and Fellowships

Ching, C. C. (PI), Schaefer, S. & Hunicke, R. Designing and Exploring the Impact of Physical Activity Monitor Gaming on Youth Fitness Practices
National Science Foundation—Cyberlearning: Transforming Education (EAGER)
IIS 1451446
9/01/2014 – 8/31/2016

Ching, C. C. (PI), German, B., Hauter, A., & Van Loan, M. (Co-PIs). Gaming to Educate Teens about Understanding Personal Health (GET-UP).
National Science Foundation – Cyberlearning: Transforming Education (EXP)
IIS 1217317
9/01/2012 – 8/31/2015

Ching, C. C. (PI)  Points of View:  Digital Cameras in an Early Childhood Classroom
University of Illinois Campus Research Board

Ching, C. C. (PI)  Technology, Identity, Lifestyle, and Education Study (TILES).
University of Illinois Campus Research Board

Ching, C. C. (PI)  Apprenticeship, Education, & Technology
University of California Board of Regents Dissertation Fellowship


Editorial Board Service

  • Associate Editor, Educational Researcher, 2019-2020
  • Associate Editor, Journal of the Learning Sciences, 2008-2014
  • Editorial Board, American Educational Research Journal, 2010-2012
  • Editorial Board, Journal of the Learning Sciences, 2004-2008; 2014-2021

Ad-hoc & Invited Manuscript Reviews

•    Computer Science Education
•    Teachers College Record
•    Review of Educational Research
•    American Educational Research Journal (AERJ)
•    Cognition & Instruction
•    Field Methods
•    Educational Theory
•    Early Education & Development
•    Computers & Education
•    Convergence: The Journal of New Media Development
•    Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
•    Journal of Educational Computing Research
•    Technology, Humanities, Education, & Narrative (THEN)

 Granting Organizations

  • National Science Foundation, Grant Review: Human-Centered Computing, Cyberlearning, Advancing Informal Science Education, 2005-present
  • National Science Foundation, Project Mentor, Diversifying NSF Initiative – Cyberlearning program, 2015-2016

Leadership in National Organizations

  • Chair, AERA Division C Hawkins Early Career Award Selection Committee, 2023-2025
  • AERA Best Student Paper SIG-LS Selection Committee, 2022-2023
  • Selection Committee: ISLS Best Paper Journal of the Learning Sciences 2019, 2019
  • AERA Division C Hawkins Early Career Award Selection Committee, 2012-2018
  • Education Committee, International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2002-2011
  • Chair, AERA Special Interest Group: Education, Science, and Technology (SIG-EST), 2004-2005


  • Hybrid Accessibility Organizing Committee, International Conference on the Learning Sciences, 2023-2025
  • Organizing committee, Computers and Writing Conference 2023
  • AERA Research-in-Practice Graduate Student Faculty Mentor, 2023
  • Program committee, International Conference on the Learning Sciences (ICLS), 2014; 2016
  • Doctoral Consortium Faculty, Games+Learning+Society, 2015
  • Selection committee: AERA SIG LS/ATL Best Student Paper Award, 2014-2016
  • AERA Division C Graduate Student Mentoring Workshop – Invited Mentor, 2013
  • Organizing committee, Computers and Writing Conference 2009
  • Organizing committee, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Conference (CSCL), 2007
  • Doctoral consortium faculty, International Conference on the Learning Sciences (ICLS), 2004
  • Conference proposal reviews:  AERA, ICLS, CSCL, Computers & Writing, 1998-present

Memberships in Scholarly Societies and Organizations

  • American Educational Research Association
  • International Society of the Learning Sciences

UC Davis Service

As Interim Vice-Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education
  • Provosts’ Leadership Council, 2020-2022
  • Chancellor’s Advisory Group on COVID and Remote Operations, 2020-2022
  • Council of Deans, 2020-2022
  • Council of Vice-Provosts, 2020-2022
  • Academic Senate Undergraduate Council (Ex-officio) , 2020-2022
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Board, 2020-2022
  • Western Association of Schools and Colleges Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) , 2020-2021
  • Provost’s Task Force for Remote Instruction, Spring 2020
  • Campus Executives Global Strategy Committee, 2019-present
  • Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on HSI (Hispanic-Serving Institution) Status, 2020-present
  • Aggie Launch Initiative, Curricular Integration Team, 2020-present
  • Institutional Review Board (IRB), Office of Research, 2014-2016
  • Academic Senate Council of Department Executives, 2008-2009
  • Provost’s Advisory Committee on the Status of Women at Davis, 2010-2013
  • Academic Senate Undergraduate Committee on Special Academic Programs, 2010-2012
  • Academic Senate Ad-Hoc Representative from School of Education, 2011-2012; 2014-2016
School of Education
  • Chair, Faculty Executive Committee, 2008-2009
  • Search Committee, Learning and Adolescent Development, 2008-2009
  • Academic Programs Committee, 2008-2015
  • Faculty Secretary and Executive Committee, School of Education, 2007-2008
  • Undergraduate Minor Advisory Committee, 2007-2008

Courses Taught at UC Davis

FYS 013: (First-Year Seminar) Learning and Engagement with Embodiment and Games
EDU 110:  Learning, Human Development, and Schools (Undergraduate)
EDU 199:  Learning, Human Development, and Schools (Teacher Education)
EDU 185:  Learning in a Digital Age (Undergraduate)
EDU 292:  Collaborative Learning (MA/PhD)
EDU 292:  Introduction to the Learning Sciences (PhD)
EDU 235:  Interview Methods (PhD)
EDU 211:  Sociocultural Theories of Learning (MA/PhD)
EDU 292:  Digital Learning and Digital Literacies (PhD)
EDU 201:  Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods (MA/PhD)
EDU 298: Writing for Preliminary Exams (PhD)


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