Peter Mundy
Professor Emeritus, Distinguished Professor of Education and the MIND Institute of the Department of Psychiatry
There are seven million exceptional children with special needs in our American school system, such as children with autism spectrum development. They have the right to appropriate and comparable educational opportunities. Truly meeting the needs of these children requires a commitment to integrating advances in educational science, neuroscience, and social policy.
Peter Mundy, professor in the School of Education and the School of Medicine’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences is an expert in the education and development of children with Autism. As a developmental and clinical psychologist, Mundy has been working on defining the major dimensions of autism for the past 32 years.
Visit Peter Mundy’s UC Davis profile page.
Research Interests
Translational Research on Education and Special Education; Academic Development for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD); Joint Attention, Social-Cognition, and Learning; Education, Mind and Cognitive Neuroscience; Early Intervention; Infancy and Adolescence; Research Methods.
Vita & Publications
Student Comments
A Virtual Joy-Stick Study of Emotional Responses and Social Motivation in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Posted June 30, 2014
An article about using virtual reality to examine social motivation and emotional perception in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders appears in Psychology Progress. The article, co-authored by Peter Mundy, a professor in the UC Davis School of Education and School of Medicine, looked at 19 children with higher functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder (HFASD) and 23 age, gender, and IQ matched children with typical development (TD), who used a joy stick to position themselves closer or further from virtual avatars while attempting to identify six emotions expressed by the avatars, happiness, fear, anger, disgust, sadness, and surprise that were expressed at different levels of intensity. Read more here.
School Receives $1 Million Grant To Study Autism’s Impact on Education
March 2012
The U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences (IES) has awarded a four-year $1 million grant to School of Education professor Peter Mundy.
UCTV Features on Autism & Education
Education Professor Peter Mundy, who serves as the Director of Educational Research at the UC Davis MIND Institute, is featured on UCTV for his talk on educating individuals with autism.
“Understanding and Educating Individuals with Autism: Elementary School and Beyond”
Peter Mundy explores the social behavioral, emotional and learning characteristics of higher functioning children with autism with an emphasis on challenges in school. Watch the program here.