
News Peter Mundy

New Book on Education and Autism Edited by Prof. Peter Mundy

Educational Interventions for Students with Autism, published as the first in the Autism for Educators series by the UC Davis Mind Institute, has been released. The book is edited by Peter Mundy and Ann Mastergeorge. It provides information on topics related to deepening educators’ understanding of the issues and best practices involved in education for autism, including practical strategies for teachers, parents and school administrators. Purchase the book here.


Professor Jamal Abedi Comments on Story about Davis Unified’s Test Scores

Sacramento Bee - January 19, 2012

In a Sacramento Bee story about the “slip” in test scores in the Davis Unified School District, Jamal Abedi provided insight into the “similar schools” comparison. He explained, “distinctions made by the state when determining similar schools are arbitrary and center on measures hard to quantify. He said the Davis district’s poor similar-schools ranking was, in a way, ‘bad luck.’” Read the story.


Peter Mundy to present at National Autism Conference

Saturday, January 29, 2011
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

5th Annual Autism Research Conference

Environmental Factors in Autism: What We Know & What We Don’t Know – Increasing Social Attention in Learning

Location: Mariners Church
5001 Newport Coast Drive Worship Center
Irvine, CA 92603

Peter C. Mundy, Ph.D.

10:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
Increasing Social Attention in Learning

Director of Educational Research, UC Davis MIND Institute; Professor and Lisa Capps Chair for Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Education, UC Davis School of Education and Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, School of Medicine

Conference website

Portrait of Joyce Carol Thomas

UC Davis event to celebrate diversity in children’s books

UC Davis News Release

January 20, 2011

Joyce Carol Thomas, an African American poet, playwright and children’s author, will be the guest speaker on Wednesday, Feb. 9, at the UC Davis School of Education’s annual Words Take Wing event celebrating diversity in children’s literature.


Academic Literacy Summit

February 3

Feb. 3, Thursday — Education experts will address approaches to improving academic literacy — the level of written and verbal English fluency needed to succeed in U.S. classrooms — from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the ballroom of the UC Davis Activities and Recreation Center. The registration fee is $125. Educators and the public are welcome.

News Cary Trexler
Portrait of Cary Trexler with a farmer in Southeast Asia

Professor to Lead Project to Improve Agriculture in Vietnam and Cambodia

Cary Trexler, associate professor in the School of Education and the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, received a three-year $500,000 grant from the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Horticulture Collaborative Research and Support Program to enhance vegetable production by small farmers in Cambodia and Vietnam.


Jamal Abedi Named to Distinguished Expert Committee

Professor Jamal Abedi and UCLA’s CRESST Director Joan Herman have been named to the SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium Technical Advisory Committee. The Consortium includes more than 30 states working collaboratively to prepare all students for college and careers by creating a comprehensive assessment system in mathematics and language arts. Read more here.


UC Davis May Branch into Madrid

Dean Harold Levine part of team visit to Spain

Students could take UC Davis courses abroad

October 2010

Dean Harold Levine comments on a recent trip to Madrid, Spain, where he joined the chancellor and vice chancellor of administrative and resource management. They spoke to representatives of the governmental, public, and private sectors about the possibility of  establishing a satellite campus in Spain. Read the full story at the Aggie.


National Teach Campaign

US Department of Education and NBC Launch Education Nation

On Monday, September 27, the US Department of Education initiates the TEACH campaign, a multi-year effort to increase public awareness of teaching nationwide as a valuable and important profession.

At 11 a.m. PST, the US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan will give a special address on MSNBC, “Teach for Tomorrow: A Reverse Commencement,” to inaugurate the Education Nation Summit. MSNBC will broadcast the event live and stream it online. To watch the event on Monday, September 27, and to learn more about the campaign, visit the Education Nation website. After September 27, check out for more details on this national campaign and how you can get involved.

The UC Davis School of Education is committed to providing the highest quality teacher preparation and encourage the best and brightest to apply now for our teacher credential program.

Brokers of Expertise website

Brokers of Expertise

California Department of Education Launches "Facebook for Teachers"

September 22, 2010
To ensure teachers have access to best practices, lessons and other resources, and most of all access to each other, the state’s Department of Education launched a new website called Brokers of Expertise. Dean Harold Levine, a member of State Superintendent Jack O’Connell’s P-16 Council, was an advisor on the project. Read more about the launch and check out the new site.

News Peter Mundy
Peter Mundy speaking about educating individuals with autism on UCTV

UCTV Features on Autism & Education

Education Professor Peter Mundy, who serves as the Director of Educational Research at the UC Davis MIND Institute, is featured on UCTV for his talk on educating individuals with autism.

“Understanding and Educating Individuals with Autism: Elementary School and Beyond”

Peter Mundy explores the social behavioral, emotional and learning characteristics of higher functioning children with autism with an emphasis on challenges in school. Watch the program here.

Classroom for K-12 Education students

CRESS Center Receives Additional $1 Million to Enhance K-12 Teaching

Update: August 2010

Second Round of Funding to UC Davis

As part of its Teacher-Based Reform Grants Program the California Postsecondary Education Commission (CPEC) has awarded the Pacific Coast Teacher Innovation Network (known as PacTIN T-BAR) an augmentation grant of $1,031,000. This is in addition to the $1,010,00 master grant we received in 2009 and will allow us to offer professional development opportunities to an additional 24 teacher teams as part of a second cohort.


Jamal Abedi Looks at Science Teaching

University of California News

Read this article, which features Professor Jamal Adedi’s research findings on the impact on science teachers who conduct hands-on, cutting edge research at the Lawrence Livermore Labs and through professional development at the Edward Teller Education Center, which is managed by the UC Davis School of Education. Learn more about Jamal Abedi’s research on his profile.

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