Michal Kurlaender
Chancellor’s Leadership Professor
Michal Kurlaender investigates students’ educational pathways, in particular K-12 and postsecondary alignment, and access to and success in higher education. She has expertise on alternative pathways to college and college readiness at both community colleges and four-year colleges and universities. In addition to working with national data, Kurlaender works closely with administrative data from all three of California’s public higher education sectors—the University of California, the California State University and the California Community College systems.
Kurlaender’s work focuses on the causes and consequences of racial/ethnic, socioeconomic, and gender inequalities through the education life course, and the impact of institutional policies and practices aimed at attenuating educational inequality. She also studies the impact of racial and ethnic diversity on student outcomes, including mandatory and voluntary K-12 school desegregation efforts, persistent inequalities in segregated schools, and diversity in postsecondary settings.
In 2017-18 she was a Visiting Scholar at the Russell Sage Foundation and in 2020 Professor Kurlaender was elected into the National Academy of Education.
Email: mkurlaender@ucdavis.edu
Kurlaender is a faculty co-director of Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE), the California Education Lab, and lead researcher of Wheelhouse: The Center for Community College Leadership and Research. She serves on the executive committee of the Center for Poverty and Inequality at UC Davis, is an affiliated scholar with the Student Experience Research Network (formerly the Mindset Scholars Network), and a Strategic Advisor to The Education Trust-West.
Recent Reports & Commentaries:
COVID-19 Student Survey, California Student Aid Commission
Here’s a way to help cut California’s college costs and help students succeed
UC Regents Should Consider All Evidence and Options in Decision on Admissions Policy
Does Career Technical Education Pay?
Research Interests
Education policy; program evaluation; educational stratification and inequality; access and success in postsecondary schooling; K-12 school desegregation; economics of education; quantitative methods; sociology of education
- Ed.D. (2005) Harvard University Graduate School of Education
- Ed.M. (1997) Harvard University Graduate School of Education
- B.A. (1995) University of California, Santa Cruz
Select Publications
Stevens, A., Kurlaender, M., & Grosz, M. (2018). Career Technical Education and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from California Community Colleges. Working Paper 21137, National Bureau of Economic Research. Forthcoming. Journal of Human Resources, 54 (4).
Kurlaender, M., Carrell, S., & Jackson, J. (2016). The Promises and Pitfalls of Measuring Community College Quality. The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 2 (1): 174-190.
Friedmann, E., Kurlaender, M., & VanOmmeren, A. (2016). Addressing College Readiness Gaps at the College Door: Institutional Differences in Developmental, Education at California’s Community Colleges. New Directions for Community Colleges.
Jackson, J. & Kurlaender, M. (2016). K–12 Postsecondary Alignment and School Accountability: Investigating High School Responses to California’s Early Assessment Program. American Journal of Education, 122:477-503.
- Kurlaender, M., Jackson, J., Howell, J. and Grodsky, E. (2014) College Course Scarcity and Time to Degree. Economics of Education Review, 41: 24-39.
Jackson, J. & Kurlaender, M. (2014) College Readiness and College Completion at Broad Access Four-Year Institutions. American Behavioral Scientist, 58(8): 947-971.
Kurlaender, M. (2014) Assessing the Promise of California’s Early Assessment Program for Community Colleges, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 655:36-55.
Kurlaender, M. & Larsen, M. (2013). “K-12 and Postsecondary Alignment: Racial/Ethnic Differences in Freshmen Course-taking and Performance at California’s Community Colleges.” Education Policy Analysis Archives, 21 (16): 1-24.
Kurlaender, M. and Grodsky, E. (2013). “Mismatch and the Paternalistic Justification for Selective College Admissions.” Sociology of Education, 86(4): 294-310.
Grodsky, E. and Kurlaender, M. (Eds.). Equal Opportunity in Higher Education: The Past and Future of California’s Proposition 209. Harvard Education Press, 2010.
Long, B. T. and Kurlaender, M. (2009). Do Community Colleges Provide a Viable Pathway to a Baccalaureate Degree? Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 31 (1):30-53.
Other Reports, Presentations & Media
Predicting College Success: How Do Different High School Assessments Measure Up?
Testimony to the Assembly Committee on the Judiciary, California Legislature
Could SAT, ACT not be required?
Awards and Honors
- Appointed to Education Commission of the States (2022)
- UC Davis Chancellor’s Leadership Professor (2022)
- Higher Education Leadership Award, California Educational Research Association (2021)
- Distinguished Scholarly Public Service Award, University of California, Davis (2021)
- National Academy of Education, Elected Member (2020)
- UC Davis Faculty Leadership Academy (2019-20)
- Named one of UC Davis’s Remarkable Women in celebration marking the 150th anniversary of the admission of women to the University of California
- Visiting Scholar, Russell Sage Foundation (2017-2018)
- Chancellor’s Fellow, University of California, Davis (2013-2018)
- National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship (2009-2010)
- Education Week’s RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings (2015, 2016, 2017)
- National Academy of Education, Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2009-10
- University of California Davis, Faculty Development Award, 2008
- Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship, 2004-2005
- American Educational Research Association Dissertation Fellowship, 2003-2004
- Roy Larsen Research Fellowship, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 1999-2001
Professional Activities and Service
- Co-Director, Policy Analysis for California Education-PACE
- Lead Researcher, Wheelhouse: The Center for Community College Leadership and Research, University of California, Davis
- Member, Mindset Scholars Network
- Executive Committee, UC Davis Center for Poverty Research
- Researcher, Center for the Analysis of Postsecondary Readiness, Teachers College, Columbia University
- Researcher, Center for Analysis of Postsecondary Education and Employment, Teachers College, Columbia University
- UC Davis Site Director, The University of California Educational Evaluation Center
- Program Committee, Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness
- Small Grants Review Panel & Dissertation Fellowship, The Spencer Foundation
- Research Advisory Board, College Board Advocacy & Policy Center
- Program Committee, Economy, Justice & Society, Institute for Governmental Affairs, University of California-Davis
- California Dropout Research Project
- Education and Social Policy
- Research Design
- Economics of Education
- Quantitative Methods in Education Research
- Applied Data Analysis
Michal Kurlaender Named Influential Education Researcher for Third Year in a Row
Professor Michal Kurlaender continues to be one of the leading university-based scholars who are doing the most to influence educational policy and practice in the United States. This is the third consecutive year that she has been included in the RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings published in Education Week.
Dr. Michal Kurlaender Awarded $5 Million Grant
Study will show how well California prepares K-12 students for college, careers
University of California, Davis, researchers in education and economics have been awarded nearly $5 million to find out how well the state prepares K-12 students for college and careers.
Obama’s Free College Plan Is No Panacea; Just Ask California
Op-Ed by Associate Professor Michal Kurlander and Jacob Jackson (PhD ’12)
Washington Post – January 28, 2014
President Obama’s proposal to make community colleges free is a valiant effort to address the rising demand for skilled workers throughout the nation and to improve college access for low-income students. As states consider his proposal, they would be wise to look to California. Our research in the state suggests that low tuition can put higher education within reach for many low-income students, but it is no panacea. Read more.
Michal Kurlaender is an associate professor of education and Chancellor’s Fellow at UC Davis. Jacob Jackson is a researcher at the Public Policy Institute of California.
Michal Kurlaender Named Co-Director of Leading Education Policy Organization
Associate Professor Michal Kurlaender has been named a co-director of Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE), an independent, nonpartisan research center based at Stanford University, UC Berkeley, the University of Southern California, and UC Davis.
PACE seeks to define and sustain a long-term strategy for comprehensive policy reform and continuous improvement in performance at all levels of California’s education system, from early childhood to postsecondary education and training. Learn more about PACE at http://www.edpolicyinca.org/.
Michal Kurlaender Named Among Most Influential Education Researchers
Associate Professor of Education Michal Kurlaender has been named among the 200 most influential education researchers in the country.
Michal Kurlaender Named Chancellor’s Fellow
November 19, 2013
Michal Kurlaender, associate professor of education, has joined an elite group of UC Davis faculty members named 2013-14 Chancellor’s Fellows. The honor recognizes outstanding records of achievement among early career faculty. Each fellow receives a $25,000 prize to support his or her research, teaching and service activities. Kurlaender retains the title of Chancellor’s Fellow until July 1, 2018. The Davis Chancellor’s Club and the university’s Annual Fund support the program.
Attending elite colleges benefits even those less academically prepared
Research by Professor Michal Kurlaender featured in article by Karen Nikos, UC Davis News Service
July 2013
University of California-eligible students with weaker high school grades and test scores typically fared about as well, after four years in college, as higher-ranking students who were admitted, according to a new University of California, Davis, study.
College-Ready in California
(Inside Higher Ed) Paul Fain - February 2013
Michal Kurlaender, associate professor in the UC Davis School of Education and Matthew F. Larsen, a postdoctoral teaching fellow in economics at Tulane University, recently released a study on how high school achievement tests can be good predictors of how students will fare in community college. The researchers also point out a “disturbing” achievement gap, with Latino and black students being less likely than their Asian and white peers to take and pass transfer-level college courses. And that the gap occurs even among students who performed well on their high school tests. Read Paul Fain’s article at Inside Higher Ed.
Michal Kurlaender receives $1.8 million grant
Study of the California Early Assessment Program
June 2010 – Michal Kurlaender, an associate professor in the School of Education, has been awarded a $1.8 million federal grant to study a unique California program established six years ago to help high school students better prepare for college.
Michal Kurlaender Awarded Postdoctoral Fellowship
The National Academy of Education has awarded Michal Kurlaender a Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship in recognition of her significant contributions to education research. Spencer’s program supports early career scholars working in critical ares of education. The program also develops the careers of its recipients through professional development activities involving the National Academy of Education members.
Michal Kurlaender
For Michal Kurlaender, conducting “research that matters” means tackling some of the most vexing and controversial problems in education: school desegregation and integration, access to college, and race.