PhD Alumni
2004 Graduates
Elizabeth Mukiibi
What do you Expect from This School: A Student Focused
Inquity into Factors Affecting African American Adolescent
Schoolgirls’ Academic Achievement in an Urban School
Carmina Feldman
Teacher beliefs and teaching with computers : believe it or
not : a case study of the role beliefs play in three middle
school teachers’ use of computers in teaching science
2003 Graduates
Timothy Larrabee
Out(standing) in high school: One youth’s story
Rebecca Callahan
Opportunity to learn in a California High School: track
placement and English Learners
Ann Go
The writing development of Chinese and Vietnamese newcomer
Jennifer Grimes
The role of the brain’s right hemisphere in comprehending
spatially oriented text
2002 Graduates
Sarah Nielson
Josh’s worlds: Developing literacy skills at home and at
Alicia Valero
Emergent literacy development among Latino students in a
rural preschool classroom
Dorine Waidtlow
Transition to work and vocational identity among lower income
young adults
Katherine Bruna
Manufacturing dissent: The new economy of power relations in
multicultural teacher education
2001 Graduates
Larry Boese
The case for preventing reading disabilities and its
implications for general-education and special-education
Suzy Thomas
Beginning high school counselors: A qualitative study of
professional socialization and role issues
Carmina Brittain
Transnational messages: The diffusion of information about
American schools in transnational social spaces among Chinese and
Mexican immigrant adolescents
2000 Graduates
Jane Adan
Taking liberty: Resistance, estrangement, loss, and other
trivialities in a child’s relation with adults and the finite
world. Critical stories, experimental pieces
Gail Martinez
Making a difference: The effects of an undergraduate research
mentorship program on the production of minority scholars
Rick Pomeroy
Detecting changes in student teachers’ conceptions of
teaching science to adolescent English language learners
1999 Graduates
Judy Kysh
Discourse in small groups in an Algebra 1 class
Francisca Godinez
The formations of ‘Mexicananess: Trenzas de identidades
multiples’. The development of womanhood among young Mexicanas:
Braids of multiple identities
1998 Graduates
Esther Delgado-Larocco
Classroom processes in a two-way immersion kindergarten
Lary Duque
The power of relationship between parents and school
Pam Castori
Paul Rooney
Improving rewriting through direct instruction: An integrated
process-oriented approach
1997 Graduates
John Elia
Sexuality education: A challenge for the schools
Alan Blakely
Cathi Christo
1996 Graduates
Stephen Brock
The reading comprehension abilities of children with
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Jaime Schrabeck
The influence of working memory capacity and motivation on
the depth of university students’ text processing
Judi Kusnick
Constructing a constructivist classroom: knowledge, learning,
and language in science education
1995 Graduates
Lubna Chaudrhy
Marginality, hybridity, empowerment: a critical feminist
ethnography of the resistance of Pakistani Muslim immigrant women
in community and educational contexts
Terry Underwood
The impact of a portfolio assessment system on the
instruction, motivation, and achievemnt of seventh and eight
grade english-language arts students in a northern claifornia
middle school
1991 Graduates
Yali Zou
The role of minorities in the Woodland Schools: an
ethnohistorical accont of minority populations in Woodland from
1850 to the present