Center for Community & Citizen Science Blog

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Project Update: Inspirations after a visit to Lake County

Since July 2022, the Center for Community and Citizen Science has been steadily working on a project in collaboration with the UC Davis Center for Regional Change to build capacity for environmental education (EE) and community and citizen science (CCS) in the Clear Lake region. 

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The Center’s statement on the UC-wide strike

Dear Center for Community and Citizen Science colleagues:

We want to acknowledge the difficulties student researchers may be facing professionally and personally with the strike taking place across the UC system beginning Nov. 14, 2022. The high quality research from our Center is dependent on the work of student employees and postdoctoral scholars. We want to emphasize our support for the research work everyone is engaged in with the Center, and also support our students’ rights to fight for equitable working conditions. We also commit to not retaliating against any who choose to strike. Find information and updates here.

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Get to Know Our New Graduate Students, Emma and Jadda

The beginning of the new academic year brought two new faces to the Center. We’re excited to welcome Emma Schectman and Jadda Miller as they begin their graduate student work in the School of Education. We can’t wait to see what amazing things they’ll do in the coming years. Learn more about them:

Blog entry M.V. Eitzel Solera

Project Update: Supporting Community and Citizen Science at the Elwha ScienceScape Symposium

The removal of two large dams from the Elwha river in the ancestral lands of the Coast Salish peoples was the first large-scale dam removal of its kind in the world. This effort has inspired many other watershed-scale restoration projects and dam removal organizations both nationally and internationally.

Blog entry Todd Harwell

Project update: Community and citizen science in California’s Marine Protected Areas

Moving forward with our research and expanding into Oregon's Marine Reserve System

Cyclic representation of "feedback loops" between MPAs, CCS programs and CCS participants

Since submitting our partner report for the Decadal Management Review of MPAs process, we have been working on a second phase of research to dive deeper into some of the dynamics and nuances of the relationships between the MPA Network and community and citizen science (CCS) programs.

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The UC Davis Center for Community and Citizen Science is excited to announce our speakers for the Fall quarter Collabinar series. The Collabinar invites our colleagues from across the globe to bring us their most exciting opportunities and challenges in community and citizen science. Each session fosters an environment of mutual learning while advancing projects and partnerships.

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City Nature Challenge 2022 Recap

Infographic showing highlights of the City Nature Challenge 2022: Greater Sacramento Region

Every spring, cities from around the world compete in the City Nature Challenge, a four-day nature observation competition, in an effort to help document urban biodiversity. Held April 29 - May 2, the City Nature Challenge 2022 marked the 7th annual international bioblitz with the most impressive global results yet.

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New Publication: Examining youth participation in ongoing community and citizen science programs in 3 different out-of-school settings

Maryam Ghadiri Khanaposhtani, a postdoctoral scholar, and Heidi Ballard, founder and faculty director of the Center, recently published Examining youth participation in ongoing community and citizen science programs in 3 different out-of-school settings, a research paper investigating youth participation in three Community and Citizen Science (CCS) programs led by natural history museums and influential setting features.

Blog entry Peggy Harte

New Publication and Webinar Series: Teacher Call to Action for Environmental Literacy

As educators and researchers, the Center for Community and Citizen Science is focused on joining young people in the work of learning, doing, and using science to improve the world we share. This means thinking about young people as community leaders and people who do science. We have been working to support educators and educational leaders at both the district and state levels to better understand ways in which citizen science and environmental literacy more broadly can be used to deepen both student learning and development of environmental science agency.

Blog entry Ryan Meyer

New reports on Community and Citizen Science in California’s Marine Protected Areas

The Center’s analyses will inform the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Decadal Management Review of MPAs

CCS in MPAs Report

Since Spring 2021, two project teams at the UC Davis Center for Community and Citizen Science have been collecting and analyzing data related to the contributions of community and citizen science participants in coastal monitoring activities within and surrounding marine protected areas (MPAs) throughout the State of California.

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